


To express conditions for eligibility and the administrative processes for requesting and receiving early retirement benefits from the college.


Early Retirement provisions for employees who are subject to collective bargaining agreements shall be governed by those agreements; failing such provisions, Administrative 规则应适用. 


Employees who are eligible to request an early retirement benefit include:

  1. Employees whose first day of employment is before January 1, 1995, and who have been with 博天堂官方 for a total of ten (10) continuous years as employees and who wish to early 在65岁之前退休,但不能在55岁之前退休;
  2. Employees whose first day of employment is after January 1, 1995, but before July 1, 2000, and who have been with 博天堂官方 for a total of fifteen (15) continuous years as employees and who wish to early retire 65岁之前 but not before age 55;
  3. Employees who have completed 30 years in the Oregon PERS and whose first day of employment is before January 1, 1995, and who have been with 博天堂官方 for a total of ten (10) continuous years as employees and who wish to early retire 65岁之前;
  4. Employees who have completed 30 years in the Oregon PERS and whose first day of employment is after January 1, 1995, but before July 1, 2000, and who have been with 博天堂官方 for a total of fifteen (15) continuous years as employees and who wish to early retire 65岁之前.

Employees, whose first day of employment is July 1, 2000 or after, are not eligible 提前退休的福利.

This early retirement benefit is available to the qualified employee for five years 或者到65岁,以较短的为准.

This benefit will consist of a monthly early retirement stipend equivalent to 1.25 percent of the employee’s highest 12 months of continuous salary within the 36 months immediately prior to the effective date of early retirement. 基本工资 not include overtime, overloads, or any other additional pay accumulated during the 雇员的最后36个月. All early retirement stipend payments will be made directly to an account designated by the early retiree through direct deposit.

In addition, for the early retiree only group medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage available to active, annually renewable employees will continue to be provided by the college, in the same group coverage they are currently participating. 早期的 retiree may not enroll in a higher level of medical, dental, and vision coverage than 他们是在提前退休的时候加入的. 本报道为前期报道 retiree will be provided under the same terms and conditions provided to contracted 员工通过大学保险计划.

 At their own expense, the early retiree may continue to purchase existing dependent medical, dental, and/or vision coverage on the college insurance plans. 保险费 amount for their dependent’s participation will be deducted from the early retiree’s 付款前每月津贴金额. 不包括任何额外保费 by the stipend must be paid by the early retiree directly to the college. 可用性 保险费用可能会有变化. 家属将继续参与 in the medical, dental and vision plans along with the early retiree unless dropped by the employee at the time of early retirement, or during a later open enrollment 期. Should the early retiree drop their dependent(s), they are not eligible for re-enrollment.

 The stipend will end on the last day of the month the early retiree reaches 65 years of age or completes a maximum of five years in the retirement program (60 months of 付款),以先发生者为准. 团体医疗、牙科和视力保险 coverage’s will also end at this time, or may end sooner if the early retiree obtains medical, dental, or vision coverage through outside employment or becomes eligible 医疗保险.

 If the early retiree draws unemployment benefits, all early retirement benefits will cease and no further obligation by the district will exist. 员工可能不会收到 benefits under this plan and any district-provided long-term disability plan simultaneously.

 In the event of the early retiree’s death, the stipend will cease. 如符合资格的受养人 are currently participating in group medical, dental, and/or vision insurance coverage under the early retirement program, these coverage’s are continued for the dependents 并将由学院支付. 保险范围将继续覆盖原始的余额 early retirement contract or may terminate sooner should the dependents obtain medical, dental, or vision coverage through outside employment or qualify 医疗保险.

College employees may apply for early retirement if they have the number of required years of continuous, contracted employee service to the college and are regularly employed with the college at the time of early retirement.  学院批准的假期 shall not constitute a break in continuous years of service but will not be counted 随着时间的流逝.

 College employees should apply for the early retirement plan a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to their retirement date, and the plan will take effect on the first 下一个月. Requests for early retirement should be submitted in writing 提交总统考虑. 提前退休福利没有追溯力. The President reserves the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.


DATE (S) OF REVISION(S): 4/12/88; 6/21/88; 1/30/90; 11/18/03; 3/16/04; 9/1/09; 1/12/12; 1/10/18; 12/2/21